Saturday, December 1, 2007

TA: WATCOs and audiences for the Media paper

What are the consequences of overplaying massively multi-player online role playing games on the social life of gamers?
The target audience are online gamers of MMORPGs. I would have to define overplaying MMORPGs, though with would probably mean just saying it depends on every person. It would be essential to illustrate what the consequences are of playing way too much. I’m sure that a lot of gamers who are addicted realize that they are addicted and so arguing that they should stop if addicted might not do anything as they know they should! Here I could do two different papers, one to casual gamers and those who are thinking about gaming, and those who are already addicted. For the already addicted, a better WATCO might be what are the consequences of continuing to play MMORPGs on the social life of addicted gamers?

What are the consequences of existing gold farms on the profits of World of Warcraft (ie. Blizzard)?
The audience would be the leaders of Blizzard and I would be arguing that secondary markets are a good thing as it helps create jobs and gives people a chance for a living, albeit a poor wage. I could also argue that Blizzard is losing money and should work on creating its own secondary market inside World of Warcraft.

1 comment:

Brian and Alicia said...

Hmmm, many different points for you to argue. You can go any route and where it takes you. I personally think it's fun to play games as long as it doesn't affect your reality. Say for example and father spends all of his free time gaming at the expense of time with his kids and wife. That affects reality. Or for example the college student that ends up with a1.0 GPA because he spent all his free time gaming...reality sets in and he's screwed himself. Think about it, if you are affecting reality, maybe you shouldn't be playing for long periods.