Tuesday, October 16, 2007

FW: The Pain The Easy Way and the potato

One of my favorite talks in General Conference was during the Priesthood Session. I don’t remember the speaker but I do remember what he said. He grew up in Hawaii, or lived there or something to that effect, and one day was driving down the road when he saw a sign that enlightened his mind. The sign read, “Easy Street” and he knew he had at last found the easy way in life. What joy! He took a picture of the sign and then realized that right underneath it was another sign that read “Dead End,” a worthy description of where “Easy Street” is. He used this example to urge us to sacrifice and work hard for our goals and to not take the easy way.
I’ve been thinking this, especially as it pertains to Statistics 336 because this is a hard class (yet again I’m doing my blog from a school computer, taking a break from stats). The pain is definitely worth it, as it is a learning pain. I’m sure millions of people in the world would love to be suffering getting an education because it will be of a great value to them in the end. So too should I look upon this work and the emotional, physical, spiritual (and probably social) pain as a blessing. I remember the Prophet Joseph Smith’s definition of meekness. I paraphrase “You will never here me complain of the hospitality of anyone.” Therefore I ought to seek to not complain in any situation in which I find myself, especially the hard way which will prove to my greater blessing.

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